LitVersations©® The Book Conversation Game
is a project I’ve been working VERY hard to bring to life for over two years.
This idea came to me while listening to people discuss books and being
interviewed asking the same questions over and over again. It was like the same
questions, different book and same questions different author.
I wanted meatier
questions; questions that were open ended and lead into a deeper conversation,
a real LitVersation! So I created the questions I wanted. 70 questions to get
the LitVersation started!
These questions open up refreshing dialogue with new
and interesting perspectives.
A fun
interactive ice breaker
others understand other interpretations of the story
richer exchanges and inspires thought
for authors to take along to gatherings
gift for book lovers and book clubs
Helps discussions stay on
track and active
Great for ages
Book Lovers
Even if you don't belong to a book club or discussion group, you will still enjoy these questions, in analyzing your thoughts and feelings about the books you read! They also help in outlining your book reviews and comments you'd like to share in your social media circles or comments to the author.
Book clubs
Take your book club discussions to a
whole new level with this fun and interactive game that lets everyone come away
satisfied about truly discussing a book.
These cards are great to take along when visiting book clubs, just in
case the conversation get a little slow, and they make a wonderful gift to the
book club. Also I know some authors say how hard it is to write discussion
questions about your books, these questions can aide you in creating some
thought provoking questions.
Reviewers, Bloggers and
Interviewers Spice
up your posts and interviews with some fresh questions that will get people
talking and commenting. Open ended questions are a great way to get your
followers to talk back to you
In researching I chose two teachers to test these game cards. Each teacher (Middle and High School) used the cards to either have a discussion in class about a book they read or they were used as homework questions and the feedback I got back was inspiring! The students really got into a great discussion and a much better concept of the story and structure of creative writing.
You can use these cards with your book club and your children!!
Online Chat Facilitators
These questions are helpful in keeping the chat going
How to play Litversations©®
Each person
in the group picks 5 cards from the freshly shuffled deck.
The moderator
asks the first question from the card chosen, and
lets the
person next to them answer.
The question
goes around until everyone has answered.
The next person asks the next question and
repeats the above steps.
The game
continues until all questions are answered.
conversation may spin off into another direction,
but that’s
ok, it’s part of the fun!
You can also divide
up into 2 teams!
Pick an
opposing side from the story.
The team, who
makes their points, wins that round.
If no one
liked the book, discuss why and how it could have been better.
You can pick a card as you go to keep the
element of surprise.
You can have
your LitVersation©® members’ act out the characters or answers
for even more fun!
Allow the
LitVersation©® to flow freely, letting everyone to express their views.
There is no
right or wrong way to play, just have a
Sample questions
You didn't really think I would put up all the good ones did
Order Yours NOW
(Yeah I made that name up!!!)
Please ask any question you may have in the comment section
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